Andreas Troxler 3
Andreas Troxler 1
Andreas Troxler
Andreas Troxler

Andreas Troxler

Trainer in Luzern


My motivation as a coach:
As an ice hockey goalie, I challenged my body awareness a lot. In the context of an injury, I realized how important it is to listen to your own signals. Fortunately, we have our own control over our most important asset. It is impressive to see what our body is capable of when we pay regular attention to it. My motivation is to grow with our clients as they progress and improve their quality of life through greater performance and well-being.

My hobbies:
Family, adventures with the VW bus, mountain biking, cross-country skiing, jogging.

What I still want to do in my life:
To make an adventure trip across Africa with my family.

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Andreas Troxler 2