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Laura Vitaliano
Laura Vitaliano

Laura Vitaliano

Location manager & nutrition coach Lucerne


My motivation as a trainer:
Since my childhood, movement has played a central role in my life. It is significant for me to feel and respect my own body and to accept it with all its unique facets. Working with people is a huge gift. I see myself as a companion. Experiencing and seeing positive changes when you feel comfortable in your own body is what motivates me and makes me flourish in my work.

My hobbies:
A healthy lifestyle balances me out and makes me happy. This includes connecting with nature, sports and dancing, music, cooking, personal development and living in the moment as much as possible.

What I still want to do in my life:
I want to learn as much as possible until the end of my life and be able to discover and explore everything that interests me.

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