Stefanie Späni 3
Stefanie Späni 1
Stefanie Späni
Stefanie Späni

Stefanie Späni

Trainer in Sursee


My motivation as a trainer:
I want to bring our customers closer to the sport in nature. No matter what the season, it is the most beautiful thing to train in the fresh air. I have increased my vitality, self-esteem and performance through outdoor exercise. In addition, the sun and fresh air strengthen the immune system and the spirit. It is these experiences and my enthusiasm for sports that I would like to pass on and motivate our clients in any temperature.

My hobbies:
In winter, I am passionate about skiing and can be found on ski tours or cross-country skiing. On warmer days I like to spend time on my bike, play volleyball or go hiking in the mountains.

What else I would like to do in my life:
Since traveling is also a great passion of mine, I would like to travel to many more countries to get to know the languages. In addition, I would like to spend a seasonal position in a ski resort one day.

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